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Nazareth - Expect No Mercy

If you're ready for the street
You wanna mix it in some fight
Let me tell you somethin'
Now I don't wanna get you uptight
But if you're in a corner
And you can't find no way out
Don't look around for no help
No, no there won't be any around

Expect no mercy, expect no mercy
Expect no mercy, expect no mercy

So you think you got a case
And you think you know the score
No you don't wanna listen
You can't be told no more
But wait'll you get out there
You better do it right
'Cause the streets are lined with things that kill
And they're hidin' in the night

Expect no mercy, expect no mercy
Expect no mercy, expect no mercy
Expect no mercy, expect no mercy
Expect no mercy, expect no mercy

Feel that you can cut it
You think you got the time
They'll only give you one chance
Better get it right first time
And the game you're playing
If you lose you gotta pay
If you make just one wrong move
You'll get blown away

Expect no mercy, expect no mercy
Expect no mercy, expect no mercy
Expect no mercy, expect no mercy
Expect no mercy, expect no mercy

Категория: Тексты не наших групп | Добавил: Older (19.05.2007)
Просмотров: 818

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